Competitive Spades Tournament 2023

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Get ready for the ultimate Spades showdown, Competitive Spades Tournament 2023 – where card enthusiasts battle it out to see who’s BEST!

The Pack

Two jokers are added to the standard 52-card deck, but this presents a small problem – all cards must be dealt out when you play Spades with 4 players. So, each player gets 13 cards at the beginning of the game. But with the jokers, you will have 2 more cards. This is why the jokers will replace the two other cards – the 2 of Hearts and 2 of Diamonds.

The Deal

The first dealer is chosen by a draw for high card, and thereafter the turn to deal proceeds clockwise. The entire deck is dealt one at a time; face down, beginning on the dealer’s left. The players then pick up their cards and arrange them by suits.

The Bidding

The bidding begins with the player to dealer’s left and continues clockwise around the table. Each player decides how many books they will be able to take and states how many books they expect to win. Everyone must bid a number, and in theory any number from 0 to 13 is allowed. Players are not allowed to pass. There is no second round of bidding – bids once made cannot be altered.

The Tournament

Games will be played to 500 in all rounds unless opponent yields due to score differential in points. Preliminary rounds will be best two out of three.
Ranking of cards, highest Spade would be the big Joker (more colorful than the little Joker). The little Joker is normally black and white. What follows Deuce of spades, Ace of spades, King of spades and so on (big joker, small joker, 2, A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3). The ranking of other suits is Ace, King, Queen, and Jack. Note that playing one of these should win you a book, however if your opponent does not have the suit that you played, your card could be cut, now you are less one book that was counted.
You can only play a spade to cut other suits when you don’t have that suit in your hand. Note if you cut a suit and have more of that suit that was initially played in your hand that’s called renege, a renege carries a penalty of a loss of three books. Now these books go over to the opposing team, possibly leaving them with bags. Remember we play sandbags, when you gain 10 bags you lose 100 points from your total score.
If your opponent calls renege, they must be able to point out where the renege occurred within three books played. If there was no infraction the team that called renege losses three books.
For a non-blind bid of 10, the team scores 200 points if they take 10, 11 or 12 books. If they bid 10 and take fewer than 10 books, they lose 100 points.
Firsthand bids itself, this will give you a chance to get a feel for your partner and flow of the game and not accumulate bags.

The Championship Round

All rules for the tournament apply to the championship rounds with the exception of the following:

Frequently asked questions

Must be 21 to play.
No, you don’t if you don’t mind playing with another registered player.
Yes, the house rules go Joker, joker, deuce, ace and so forth.
You receive the following: 1st place team prize is $1000 + the JHS Championship trophy. 2nd place team prize is $500+ the JHS Championship Trophy. 3rd place team prize is $150.
You will be disqualified if you are caught signaling or talking across the table about your hand/books with the exception of stating how many books you can make at the start of the game only.
Registration is refundable up to 24 hours prior to the event.
Yes, it is a one-day event.
Yes, we will have a spectator section.
We will sale non-alcoholic and light refreshments. Most of the event spaces will allow us to sell alcoholic beverages, but each establishment will be different, so it will depend on the event space.

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